Memory Warp: How the Myth of Repressed Memory Arose and Refuses to Die by Mark PendergrastThis book contains adult situations, abuse and other disturbing topics.What I really like about this book is the research and much references that are quoted about repressed memory.Had read another book by this...
The Most Hated Man in America: Jerry Sandusky and the Rush to Judgment by Mark Pendergrast Very disturbing adult situations and abuse, be warned. Very explicit details but it's necessary as the case comes together.Feel this was a minute by minute collection of data with people involved and how all t...
In the late nineteenth century, cocaine was considered a wonderdrug. Heralded by medical journals, pharmacists, Freud and even several Popes - Pope Leo III was a regular imbiber of Vin Mariani, a wine created in 1863 that contained 2.16 grains of cocaine, in the recommended dose of six glasses per d...