Mastering the Real Paleo Diet: All You Can Eat Meat, and All You Can Handle Health and Leanness
“Be Perfect. Be Pure. Be Paleo.” Let’s face it, modern humans are sick, fat, and pathetic. If only we could go back in time to the Stone Age when men were virile and strong, and women were free of menstrual cramps and birthed babies while carrying wild game on their backs. But wait, maybe we...
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“Be Perfect. Be Pure. Be Paleo.”
Let’s face it, modern humans are sick, fat, and pathetic. If only we could go back in time to the Stone Age when men were virile and strong, and women were free of menstrual cramps and birthed babies while carrying wild game on their backs. But wait, maybe we can! In his latest and most accessible book, Mastering the Real Paleo Diet, Dr. Willy Mammoth lays out the foundations for perfect health. It’s simple, really. We just need to go back in time!
Evil Grains, Poisonous Dairy, and Deadly Agriculture
So if our ancestors were so healthy, happy, and strong, what the hell happened to us as a species? The answer is that we started eating all the wrong foods. Who cares if we’ve been eating grains and dairy for thousands of years--we never should have gone down that treacherous path in the first place. Cancer, heart disease, PMS, erectile dysfunction…it’s a wonder we have even survived this long eating bread and cow milk. But survive we did, and now there is only one way back to health: Turn back! Be wild! Be free!
If You’re Sitting on a Chair at a Computer, Then You Desperately Need This Book
Our Paleolithic ancestors had perfect posture and could have leaped tall buildings in a single bound (you know, if buildings had existed back then), and they didn’t have computers, chairs, or cell phones. Obviously, this is why they enjoyed perfect health. After all, the paleo diet is not just a diet--it’s a lifestyle. This book will help you to stop being so sick, sad, and sloppy with lifestyle recommendations that will change your life. You’ll learn why it’s essential to get out of that chair and start squatting today!
Download Mastering The Real Paleo Diet on Kindle now and read it while you stalk wild game in your loin cloth. (Spear sold separately.)
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