Matthew Kneale
Birth date: November 24, 1960
Matthew Kneale's Books
bookshelves: historical-fiction, hardback, one-penny-wonder, paper-read, booker-longlist, tbr-busting-2012, summer-2012, victoriana, adventure, colonial-overlords, racism, seven-seas, doo-lally Read from June 06 to 09, 2012 hardbackone penny wonderhistorical fictionVan Dieman's LandIsle of Manbo...
My favourite kind of book - farcical, tragic, and brilliantly written. Love it.
An excellently quirky, educational, thought-provoking, and often humourous book that avoids being confusing (despite multiple narrators) or off-putting when describing the more shocking aspects of the near extinction of Aborigines in Tasmania and the views of white supremacists. Even the potentially...
This is such fun! Narrated by the various characters that appear, there are a number of strands of story - a smuggling expedition gone wrong, a mad voyage to discover the Garden of Eden, an anthropological travesty of research, the convict system in Tasmania and the fate of the Tasmania aborigines. ...