An excellently quirky, educational, thought-provoking, and often humourous book that avoids being confusing (despite multiple narrators) or off-putting when describing the more shocking aspects of the near extinction of Aborigines in Tasmania and the views of white supremacists. Even the potentially...
This is such fun! Narrated by the various characters that appear, there are a number of strands of story - a smuggling expedition gone wrong, a mad voyage to discover the Garden of Eden, an anthropological travesty of research, the convict system in Tasmania and the fate of the Tasmania aborigines. ...
hardbackone penny wonderhistorical fictionVan Dieman's LandIsle of Manbooker longlistWhitbread winnerpub 2000summer 2012 (my pick for a bank holiday read in the sun)tbr busting 2012victorianacontraband462 pages. Withdrawn from: The home of my sprogitude!Dedication - Victoria Eganopening: Say a man ...
Recounted from the point of view of nine year old Lawrence, this is an exquisitely painful account of his travels back and forth between England, Italy and Scotland with his mentally ill mother and younger sister. The voice is utterly convincing and the plot horribly compelling as it moves steadily ...
disturbing9 year old pov. parents divorced, Mom takes them to Rome when she says Dad is hassling them.There's also the 3 year old sister.Starts kind of light hearted and gets darker.Interplay between his interest in Roman history and outer space and what's happening in their life.Resilience or fragi...
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