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Metamorphosis - Community Reviews back

by Franz Kafka
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LunaLuss rated it 11 years ago
This is a captivating story about the deterioration of a young man. Gregor change from a young man full of promise to a 'corpse' unable to sustain neither himself not his family. With this change, the true nature of his relatives comes to the fore. Instead of taking care of him, his family neglects ...
My Reading World!
My Reading World! rated it 11 years ago
الرواية لم تخل من الكآبة والضيق والتشاؤم لكن رغم ذلك فهي جسدت حالة العجز، أي عندما يتعذر الإنسان عن ممارسة عمله اليومي و خصوصا الذي يدر عليه دخلا ماديا بسبب مرض أو إعاقة تفرض عليه ملازمةالفراش، هنا يصبح الإنسان نكرة بلا دور و لا أهمية داخل أسرتة و مجتمعه..
Lisa (Harmony)
Lisa (Harmony) rated it 11 years ago
This is a hard book to nail down. That despite the fact that the basic (infamous) premise is revealed in the first sentence. It was about all I knew about Kafka or The Metamorphosis when I started the book--that the "hero" wakes up as a cockroach: As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from une...
Ariel Bissett
Ariel Bissett rated it 12 years ago
Basically, I found this boring. I didn't hate it, but I didn't feel that I took anything away from it either. And that's the bottom line: I need help with this novella. I need a teacher (or sparksotes) to help me understand the symbolisms and meanings. I think theire could be interesting things in h...
Shiftyj1 rated it 12 years ago
Gregor wakes up and he’s a bug. Damn. Not a good day for Gregor or his family. The humor is very subtle and dry, but somehow Kafka seems to pull it off and keep the story moving at a fair pace. Written in 1915, this is a well drawn, bizarre, overanalyzed, and probably underappreciated classic short ...
Bonnie rated it 12 years ago
My rating: 4.5 of 5 starsSource: BBC Radio 4 Extra'I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.'Imagine you go to bed one night with nothing out of the ordinary occurring only to wake up to find you have transformed in...
futurista rated it 12 years ago
It just so happened that as I was listening to this book about a man who overnight turns into a beetle, that I was also cleaning and found a bucket full of stranded roaches. And do you know what I did with them? I drowned them in the bucket and threw them into the yard with only 2 seconds of thought...
Ariel Bissett
Ariel Bissett rated it 12 years ago
Basically, I found this boring. I didn't hate it, but I didn't get it. And that's the bottom line: I need help with this novella. I need a teacher (or sparksotes) to help me understand the symbolisms and meanings. I think theire could be interesting things in here, but on my own I missed them.
Syahira's Literary Obsession
Syahira's Literary Obsession rated it 12 years ago
This is the story where a successful man found himself turned into a huge monstrous vermin. Because of it, he lost his job and he became totally reliant upon his family who had become reliant on him prior his transformation. While his mother can't bare the sight and the smell of him and his father's...
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