Meurtre Dans La Cathédrale
9782020234160 (2020234165)
Edition language: French
I read this because I had heard it drew on the tradition of Greek drama when I was revising the source history with a student, and spotted it in my local charity bookshop.The Greek drama aspects give the best scope for Eliot to experiment with Christian theology and imagery, which he does in quite a...
bookshelves: currently-reading, fraudio, autumn-2013, poetry, nobel-laureate, published-1935, biography Read from November 28 to 29, 2013 T. S. Eliot "Murder in the Cathedral" in entirety A poetic rendition of Thomas Becket.Encountering this as a compliment to The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings...
The Basics An historical play written in verse that tells of the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1170. My Thoughts Talk about going outside of your comfort zone. I don't read a lot of poetry. I don't read a lot of plays. And I don't read a lot of historical fiction. That title, thoug...
I had to read this for a graduate level course and could never figure out why it was chosen. It was an interesting short read, but I didn't think it was one that has really stood out in my mind as a classic I enjoyed. If I wasn't mandated to read it, it never would have seen the light of day on my b...
Eliot's poetry is beautiful, but what makes the play brilliant are speeches delivered by the knights to the audience at the end.