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Michael Rank
Michael Rank is a historian of the Middle East and a former journalist. He is the author of the Kindle #1 best-seller "From Muhammed to Burj Khalifa: A Crash-Course in 2,000 Years of Middle East History" and "History's Worst Dictators: A Short Guide to the Most Brutal Rulers, From Emperor Nero... show more

Michael Rank is a historian of the Middle East and a former journalist. He is the author of the Kindle #1 best-seller "From Muhammed to Burj Khalifa: A Crash-Course in 2,000 Years of Middle East History" and "History's Worst Dictators: A Short Guide to the Most Brutal Rulers, From Emperor Nero to Ivan the Terrible."He blogs about history, religion, society, and culture at the website http://michaelrank.net. You can connect with him there, and he would love it if you did.

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Nicole~ rated it 11 years ago
Featured in this book of the Most Powerful Women in the Middle Ages are: Empress Theodore (500-548) Lady Aethelfaed of the Mercians(872-918) Anna Komnene(1083-1153) Eleanor of Aquitaine(1122-1204) Saint Catherine of Siena(1347-1380) Margaret I of Denmark (1353-1412) Joan of Arc (1412-1431) Isabell...
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