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American History & Donald Trump: A History Professor Explores The 200-Year-Old Roots of the Trump Campaign - Michael Rank
American History & Donald Trump: A History Professor Explores The 200-Year-Old Roots of the Trump Campaign
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Donald Trump is not the first political candidate of his kind. While nobody has ever his level of celebrity or combover, Trump is part of a populist strain in American politics that is centuries old. In fact many historians and political aficionados think candidates like him are as old as the... show more
Donald Trump is not the first political candidate of his kind. While nobody has ever his level of celebrity or combover, Trump is part of a populist strain in American politics that is centuries old. In fact many historians and political aficionados think candidates like him are as old as the United States itself.

In this book you will learn about other Donald Trumps in American history, such as Andrew Jackson, who fought over 100 duels and was as hated by elite society as he was loved by common folk; William Jennings Bryan, the fiery populist who threatened to overturn America's financial system; and Huey Long, the eccentric governor who promised socialism and gave his best speeches drunk.

This book explains the reasons for Trump's campaign success and finds other politicians in American history who fit that mold. By looking at their political fates, we will be able to better guess the future of the Donald Trump campaign.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publisher: Five Minute Books
Pages no: 188
Edition language: English
Books by Michael Rank
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