Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Book 1) (Romansh Edition)
Castigator al premiului Edgar Award 2015 In orele friguroase ale diminetii, sute de someri disperati se aseaza la coada unui targ de joburi intr-un oras din Midwest. Din senin, soferul unui Mercedes furat sparge multimea si ii calca cu masina pe oamenii nevinovati care asteptau la portile...
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Castigator al premiului Edgar Award 2015
In orele friguroase ale diminetii, sute de someri disperati se aseaza la coada unui targ de joburi intr-un oras din Midwest. Din senin, soferul unui Mercedes furat sparge multimea si ii calca cu masina pe oamenii nevinovati care asteptau la portile targului, apoi da cu spatele si ii ataca din nou pe cei ramasi in picioare. Opt oameni sunt ucisi si alti cinsprezece sunt raniti. Ucigasul fuge de la locul faptei.
Dupa cateva luni de la incident, intr-o alta parte a orasului, Bill Hodges, un politist pensionat, este inca bantuit de aceasta crima neelucidata. Intr-o zi, o scrisoare anonima primita de la cel care revendica atacul il scoate pe Hodges din depresie si apatie in momentul in care ameninta cu o noua agresiune si mai violenta. Bill Hodges nu mai are timp de pierdut si trebuie sa porneasca pe urmele ucigasului pentru a preveni moartea a mii de oameni nevinovati.
In noul sau roman, maestrul thrillerului, Stephen King, ne arata mecanismele infricosatoare din mintea rece a unui criminal lipsit de emotie, o lectura pe care nu o veti uita prea curand.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publish date: 2015-10-07
Publisher: Nemira Publishing House
Edition language: Romanian
Series: Bill Hodges Trilogy (#1)
A good solid mystery written by one of the best writers around. While I had a few issues with the plot in this one, I invested heavily in the characters as I usually do in Stephen King stories. This is the first in a trilogy featuring Bill Hodges, a recently retired detective struggling with findi...
Well plotted and plausible thriller, but as usual with King’s books, it was the characters and their individual stories that drove me on through most of the book. The “what happens next” takes the co-pilot seat in the last third of the book, turning into a real nail-biter at the end. King’s genius...
First of all can I just say that I'm so done with listening to older guys getting way too into awkward sex scenes when narrating audiobooks... I wasn't that great of a fan of the narrator in the first place and after that it just got really painful. Will Patton drawled his way through this and while...
Although the ex-detective is an idiot who apparently forgot all about procedure and common sense, the other characters were smart and helpful, and I liked them a lot. The middle of the book lagged a bit, but the beginning and end were really engaging. Four stars!
A Mercedes plows through a group of job seekers killing 8 and injuring many, but the driver is never caught. For now retired detective, Bill Hodges, life has been so empty he’s been thinking about eating a bullet when he gets a letter from the driver. Now Bill, with a new zeal for life, is back on...