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Mrs Dalloway - Community Reviews back

by Virginia Woolf
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Weltschmerz rated it 12 years ago
Postoje knjige koje pomeraju kriterijume, one koje ne želite da završite i koje koristite kao test za ljude iz okoline, a Gospođa Dalovej je za mene baš takva knjiga. Zbog obaveza sam je prilično dugo čitala, ali mi je upravo to sporo čitanje na neki način povećalo uživanje u njoj, a prva misao nako...
Ironic Contradictions
Ironic Contradictions rated it 12 years ago
Mrs. Dalloway is a work like [b:Ulysses|338798|Ulysses|James Joyce|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1346161221s/338798.jpg|2368224]. Perhaps it may seem like prestigious name dropping to mention the two together, yet the comparison is the only one I can make. I should add, however that it ...
Clif's Book World
Clif's Book World rated it 12 years ago
Mrs. Dalloway is a classic of English literature that I decided to read to provide background knowledge for my anticipated reading of the novel The Hours by Michael Cunningham which I understand contains parallels to this book. I read Woolf’s A Room of Our Own earlier this year for a book discussion...
JulieM rated it 12 years ago
This book is the story of a single day in Clarissa Dalloway's life as she prepares for a party. Famous for its stream of consciousness narrative, I found my stream of consciousness straying away from what Clarissa was planning to do for the party, to what I was planning for dinner that night. This...
Kalliope Muse speaks to me
Kalliope Muse speaks to me rated it 12 years ago
Review to follow.
Lucy's Books
Lucy's Books rated it 12 years ago
I don't understand this book yet. But this is because I don't understand life yet. There is so much Clarissa Dalloway in these 190-some pages, and so much of many of us in Clarissa Dalloway. I expect to learn from her in rereadings throughout the years.From the day's first task of buying flowers,...
JasonKoivu rated it 12 years ago
You can tell Mrs. Dalloway was a saucy minx in her day. *cat sound!* Christ, it's decades later and dudes are still reduced to blubbering great girls before her! Well okay, it's only one dude. I don't want to mislead. Clarissa Dalloway had a suitor, but chose another and now she wonders if she made ...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 12 years ago
Well written book. Very much of its time. I'm not a great fan of these early stream of consciousness books. They seem to me to be reacting to supposed problems with the 19th century novel, which I don't believe are there. Her influence is important, but early stream of consciousness novels like ...
I, the booklover
I, the booklover rated it 12 years ago
Originalmente visto aqui Na Londres pós-guerra, a população começa a entrar novamente no ritmo mundano da sociedade, onde as festas e o convívio social são parte integrante da rotina de cada um dos cidadãos. Clarissa Dalloway atarefa-se com a preparação da sua própria festa, evento crucial para ela,...
Joanne rated it 12 years ago
Well, I tried. I am completely unfamiliar with the story and had no idea what to expect going in. I picked this up this afternoon, and 30 tedious pages later, I have to say I don't really know what was going on during that time. I get that Mrs Dalloway seems to have some sort of past with a man name...
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