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Mystic River - Community Reviews back

by Dennis Lehane
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TheBecks rated it 15 years ago
I'm not a fan of Sean Penn, so I never even wanted to see this movie, and didn't even know that there was a book until after I'd read Lehane's other book [b:Shutter Island|21686|Shutter Island|Dennis Lehane|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51u1tWKs-gL._SL75_.jpg|1234227], which I really enjoyed...
ellaminnowpea rated it 15 years ago
On any given day, you couldn't drive me into the mystery/thriller section of my store with a cattle prod. I'm not trying to be a book snob, but crime novels, murder mysteries, and legal thrillers just don't hold my attention. I have no doubt that some of them are well-written, but the stories do not...
tamabam rated it 15 years ago
I actually couldn't finish this book. I was enjoying it alot until my book ADD kicked in and I couldn't wait for the author. The book was very carefully laying the foundation for the ending - you know, the developments that give you that bad feeling in your gut, that "uunnhh, something REALLY bad i...
Lost Between Pages
Lost Between Pages rated it 16 years ago
This was just ok in my opinion. I think I had high expectations after reading [b:Shutter Island|21686|Shutter Island|Dennis Lehane|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1329269081s/21686.jpg|1234227] also by [a:Dennis Lehane|10289|Dennis Lehane|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1227580381p2/10289.jpg]. Now THAT...
Marvin's Bookish Blog
Marvin's Bookish Blog rated it 16 years ago
An excellent mystery thriller with a good sense of time and place. Well structured characters and a deep sense of humanity makes this a first-rate literary thriller.
Meledstic rated it 16 years ago
I REALLY hated this book.........a LOT! The end.
Booklog rated it 17 years ago
Mystic River is a powerful exploration of guilt and innocence that ties together the lives of three men over the course of about 25 years. Each of the main characters, Sean, Dave and Jimmy deal with disappointment and mistakes in their lives in fundamentally different ways. Lehane manages to show ...
Kiwiria rated it 20 years ago
I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know how true to the book it is. I liked the book a lot, once I got into it, which took a couple of chapters.
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