PREFACE IN writing Myths and Legends of Japan I have been much indebted to numerous authorities on Japanese subjects, and most especially to Lafcadio Hearn, who first revealed to me the Land of the Gods. It is impossible to enumerate all the writers who have assisted me in preparing this volume....
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PREFACE IN writing Myths and Legends of Japan I have been much indebted to numerous authorities on Japanese subjects, and most especially to Lafcadio Hearn, who first revealed to me the Land of the Gods. It is impossible to enumerate all the writers who have assisted me in preparing this volume. I have borrowed from their work as persistently as Japan has borrowed from other countries, and I sincerely hope that, like Japan herself, I have made good use of the material I have obtained from so many sources. I am indebted to Professor Basil Hall Chamberlain for placing his work at my disposal, and I have found his encyclopredic volume, Things Japanese, his translation of the Kojiki, his Murray's Hand-book for Japan (in collaboration with W. B. Mason), and his Japanese POftry, of great value. I thank the Executors of the late Dr. W. G. Aston for permission to quote from this learned authoritY's work. I have made use of his translation of the Nih ong, i CTransq£tions 0fTable of Contents CONTENTS; CHAP PAGE; INTRODUCTION xi; 1 THE PERIOD OF THE GODS 21; II HEROES AND VARRIORS 38; III THE BAMBOO-CUTrER AND THE MOON-MAIDEN 65; IV BUDDHA LEGENDS 80; V Fox LEGENDS 93; VI Jrzo, THE GOD OF CHILDREN 104; VII~LEGENO IN JAPANESE ART II2; VIII_ THE STAR LOVERS AND THE ROBE OF FEATHERS Iz6; IX LEGENDS OF MOUNT FUJI 130; X BELLS 140; Xl YUKI-ONNA, THE LADY OF THE SNOW 149; XII FLOWERS AND GARDENS 154; XIII TREES 174; XIV MIRRORS 190; XV KWANNON AND BENTEN, DAIKOKU, EBISU, AND; HOTEl 199; XVI DOLLS AND BUTTERFLIES 214; XVI I FESTIVALS 220; XVIII THE PEONY*LANTERN 228; XIX KOBO DAISHIt NICHIRENt AND SHODO SHONIN 234; XX FANS 243; XXI THUNDER 250 - Vll; CONTENTS; CHAP; XXII ANIMAL LEGENDS; XXIII BIRD AND INSECT LEGENDS; XXIV CONCERNING TEA; XXV LEGENDS OF THE WEIRD; XXVI THREE MAIllENS; XXVII LEGENDS OF THE SEA; XXVIII SUPERSTITIO
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