The Ankh and anchors are the Ra “Warshippers, Worshippers” (Pharaoh Ram-Isis) multinational Maritime traiders/traitorswho have no allegiance to any one country and are “Anarchist” who love chaos and confusion representing the “Anachrist” that became the Reich Central European Bankhers/Anchors...
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The Ankh and anchors are the Ra “Warshippers, Worshippers” (Pharaoh Ram-Isis) multinational Maritime traiders/traitorswho have no allegiance to any one country and are “Anarchist” who love chaos and confusion representing the “Anachrist” that became the Reich Central European Bankhers/Anchors (Rothschild’s) and Federal Reserve Bankers controlling the United States and the World Bankhs. Jesus was a Great “Prophet/Profiteer” a Capitalist and his only God and Religion was Capitalysm/MoneyThe Capitalysts were the rich multinational Traiders/Traders/Traitors that would sell anything to anybody around the world to include selling their own mother or Motherland like a high class Supreme courtesan/prostitute does for money or Capital. Capitalism is the religious foundation based on Capital, Capitalist, the heads of super-rich multinational crime syndicates that love Money. Ch is the first two letters of Christ and a digraph first used in Latin since the 2nd century B.C. to transliterate the sound of the Greek “X” shaped letter chi in words borrowed from that language like Anchor. In classical times, Greeks pronounced “Ch” as an aspirated voiceless velar plosive “Kh” (Ankh) pronounced like the letter “K” in Anchor/Ankor or Banker.The Chi in Anarchist and Anachrist is the Greek “X” shaped letter pronounced “Kai” representing Jesus Christ and comes from Thebes, Egypt. First, look closely at the ancient Egyptian Gods because they have the Hooped Cross in their hand called the Ankh. The Ankh was the trilateral sign "A-N-A" which meant eternal life and if you look closely the Ankh is the exact same thing as an Anchor on a ship, and part of the Emblem of the U.S. Navy, Marines, Navy Seals and is also used for their insignia of Rankh. If you look even closer the ancient Egyptian Ankh, the hieroglyph of the Ankh, the Hapis Bull Deity representing the “Alif/Alpha” letter (Anarchism), the Phoenician Goddess Tanit, the Anchor, the Crucifixion of Jesus, and the symbol for the Planet Venus (Morning Star) you will see they are one and the same. The round ball represents the head of Jesus, the horizontal part of the "t" shaped "Cross" represents the outstretched hands of Jesus nailed to the "Cross" and the vertical part of the "Cross" represents the Feet of Jesus, one on top of the other, nailed to the bottom of the "Cross". If you put all of this together, you have the trileteral of the Ankh "Ana" combined with "Jesus" to obtain the Anachrist and when you combine Christ with the Phoenician/Venezian Goddess Tanit you have Christanit. In Syria, the Egyptian War Goddess Tanit was called Anat and when you combine it with Christ you also have Christanat. Now you know how and why Jesus Christ is the Anachrist and a multinational shipper, traider, traitor representing the Venezian/Holy Roman Catholic Church/European Central Bankhers and the Federal Reserve Bankhers. Thankh you very much, dankhe and don’t forget to say Grace for all the food during Thankhs Giving.
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