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Niccolò Ammaniti - Community Reviews back

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Tellulah Darling
Tellulah Darling rated it 11 years ago
As I began reading, I realized that I'd read this before. And I had the same impression of it this time as the first time. I liked it. It's a very evocative depiction of this moment in 9 yr old Michele's life. But ultimately, I wanted more than the narrow focus it provided. I really wished the scope...
simonec rated it 11 years ago
Dopo avere visto per caso il film, magnifico, ho deciso che dovevo assolutamente leggere anche il libro, scoprendo molte più differenze del previsto tra i due.Il racconto è breve e semplice ma profondo ed emozionante; triste ma nello stesso tempo fonte di ispirazione e speranza; pochi personaggi ma ...
Beamis12 rated it 11 years ago
Set during the heat wave in the summer of 1978, in rural Italy nine year old Michele and his friends pretty much have the countryside to themselves. The parents stay in and try to alleviate the heat in whatever ways they can. Michele is only concerned about today, like most children and does not yet...
Boston Bibliophile
Boston Bibliophile rated it 12 years ago
rainontheroad rated it 12 years ago
    This book is like riding on a rickety bicycle without brakes down a very very steep hill. It's short, fast-paced, gripping and scary. You really are not sure where you're going to end up.   It is short (just around 200 pages) so you could read it in a sitting or two. The description of the idyll...
Traumseele rated it 12 years ago
Inhalt: Erst mit 14 lernt Lorenzo seine Halbschwester Olivia richtig kennen. Sieben Jahre älter, schöner, drogensüchtig. Auf der Suche nach einem Platz zum Schlafen spürt sie ihn im Keller des Palazzos seiner Eltern auf. Zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben kann Lorenzo sich nicht mehr aus allem heraushal...
broken shelving
broken shelving rated it 12 years ago
This was a bit of a letdown after "I'm Not Scared" to be quite honest. I would have liked the story to be longer, for one. I would have liked to learn more about Olivia and Lorenzo. Instead, it feels like we're left with half a story. Still, it was quite an interesting read.
Born to be Bookahoilc :D
Born to be Bookahoilc :D rated it 12 years ago
Se avessi letto questo libro come primo di Ammaniti, probabilmente mi sarebbe piaciuto molto. Breve, essenziale, eppure abbastanza incisivo.. Insomma, quello che voleva dire l'ha detto!Però.. Niente, nulla può togliermi dalla mente l'idea che questo libro NON sia stato affatto scritto dal mio beniam...
nadines rated it 12 years ago
Lorenzo ist ein Einzelgänger, durch ein Missverständnis denkt seine erleichterte Mutter, er sei von einer Clique zu einem Skiurlaub eingeladen worden, er bringt es nicht übers Herz, ihr die Wahrheit zu sagen und entschließt sich, die Ferien im Keller des Hauses zu verbringen, sich von Konserven zu e...
ellaminnowpea rated it 13 years ago
Three and a half stars, really. A short-and-bittersweet novella from an Italian author I clearly need to investigate more fully, Me and You tells the story of Lorenzo, a fourteen-year-old social outcast. He doesn't have any friends at school -- but he also kind of doesn't care. His mother cares, tho...
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