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Niccolò Ammaniti
Birth date: September 25, 1966
Niccolò Ammaniti's Books
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Tellulah Darling
Tellulah Darling rated it 11 years ago
As I began reading, I realized that I'd read this before. And I had the same impression of it this time as the first time. I liked it. It's a very evocative depiction of this moment in 9 yr old Michele's life. But ultimately, I wanted more than the narrow focus it provided. I really wished the scope...
simonec rated it 11 years ago
Dopo avere visto per caso il film, magnifico, ho deciso che dovevo assolutamente leggere anche il libro, scoprendo molte più differenze del previsto tra i due.Il racconto è breve e semplice ma profondo ed emozionante; triste ma nello stesso tempo fonte di ispirazione e speranza; pochi personaggi ma ...
Beamis12 rated it 11 years ago
Set during the heat wave in the summer of 1978, in rural Italy nine year old Michele and his friends pretty much have the countryside to themselves. The parents stay in and try to alleviate the heat in whatever ways they can. Michele is only concerned about today, like most children and does not yet...
Boston Bibliophile
Boston Bibliophile rated it 12 years ago
rainontheroad rated it 12 years ago
    This book is like riding on a rickety bicycle without brakes down a very very steep hill. It's short, fast-paced, gripping and scary. You really are not sure where you're going to end up.   It is short (just around 200 pages) so you could read it in a sitting or two. The description of the idyll...
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