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Nikolay Gogol
Birth date: March 31, 1809
Died: March 04, 1852
Nikolay Gogol's Books
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Gatta ci cova
Gatta ci cova rated it 9 years ago
Con Gogol le visioni sovvertono ogni ragione. Il reale diventa fantastico e il fantastico, reale. Da questo rovesciamento nasce una nuova realtà delle cose e degli uomini. E quello che poteva apparire grottesco, tale non è più. Ora, le tenebre son calate, se non vi spiace, me ne starei un po’ qua, s...
travelin rated it 9 years ago
As a literary work? Short, fast, and very entertaining. But that's not what makes it great. Its greatness rests in its inspiring the greatest literature of Russia and the world. Almost as an aside, it also provides more detail about Cossack life than I could find online or in Ukraine. In providing a...
K.H. Leigh's Blogstravaganza
K.H. Leigh's Blogstravaganza rated it 9 years ago
I wish only the complete first part of this novel had been published, because I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I found the fragmented, crumbling second part to be agitating more than anything. Several times the narrative ends abruptly with the explanation, "Here a large section of the original is m...
nente rated it 9 years ago
А вы хотели глубинный смысл?Достаточно уже и того, что анекдот на злобу дня остаётся смешным через сотню лет. Хотя и злоба дня, видимо, не слишком изменилась - разве это не послужило бы с тем же успехом пародией на современные "шок! сенсация!.." и тому подобное?
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it 10 years ago
To start off I feel that suggesting that Gogol is a Russian would be a bit of an insult to the Ukrainians, especially at this point in time, since his biography indicates that his mother was Polish and the father was a Ukranian Cossack (and he also wrote in both Russian and Ukrainian, though no doub...
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