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Nip The Buds Shoot The Kids - Kenzaburō Ōe
Nip The Buds Shoot The Kids
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"Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids" recounts the exploits of fifteen teenage reformatory boys evacuated to a remote mountain village in wartime. The boys are treated as delinquent outcasts - feared and detested by the local peasants. When plague breaks out, their hosts abandon them and flee,... show more
"Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids" recounts the exploits of fifteen teenage reformatory boys evacuated to a remote mountain village in wartime. The boys are treated as delinquent outcasts - feared and detested by the local peasants. When plague breaks out, their hosts abandon them and flee, blockading them inside the empty village. The boys' brief and doomed attempt to build autonomous lives of self-respect, love and tribal valour fails in the face of death and the adult nightmare of war. 'An angry, engrossing novel...It is an extraordinary first novel, an amazing achievement for a writer of any age. Myth-like and almost painfully suspenseful, "Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids" has much in common with both "Lord of the Flies" and "The Plague"...His uncompromising honesty is what gives the story its universality and what makes its grim ending such a persuasive warning' - "New York Times". 'No Japanese novelist has ever written more brilliantly than Oe about the division that exists in the soul of his country' - "Daily Telegraph". 'A fiercely original book..." Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids" presents a complete and compelling world - a world powerfully remembered, powerfully imagined' - "Boston Globe". 'Dark, elliptical and austere...His novels are quite unlike those of any other Japanese novelist' - "The Times".
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780330347297 (0330347292)
Publisher: Picador Usa
Edition language: Spanish
Community Reviews
Drobna uwaga. Na pewno umrzecie.
Drobna uwaga. Na pewno umrzecie. rated it
4.0 Zerwać pąki, zabić dzieci
Ta niewielka książeczka pełna jest krzywdy, bólu i okrucieństwa. Dorośli przepełnieni strachem i kłamstwem, którzy powinni być odpowiedzialni, stają się oprawcami, mając za ofiary dzieci. W nieludzkich warunkach, w obawie przed zarazą uwydatnione jest zezwierzęcenie człowieka. Porównanie jej do 'Wła...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
2.0 Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
bookshelves: fraudio, summer-2013, japan, nobel-laureate, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, translation, published-1958, plague-disease, slit-yer-wrists-gloomy, wwii, ouch, lifestyles-deathstyles, debut, next Read from August 14 to 18, 2013 gboxNarrated by Eduardo BalleriniOne wouldn't want to g...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
2.0 Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
gboxNarrated by Eduardo BalleriniOne wouldn't want to grapple with this if on a downer, you know, the back yard filled with black dogs and storms torrenting within the four walls of one's chest; this is human misery on a stick.
carac rated it
4.0 Zerwać pąki, zabić dzieci
Już sam tytuł tej krótkiej powieści jest nieco szokujący. No bo jak to "zabić dzieci"? A no tak... Książka o zabijaniu wrażliwości. Pełna zimnych barw, szarych, wilgotnych miejsc pokrytych śniegiem, na którym kapiąca krew szybko zmienia barwę na brunatną. Nie ma tu współczucia, jest metaliczny blask...
Books by the Lake
Books by the Lake rated it
4.0 Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
This is a harsh tale, and the first-person narration is written in short, hard sentences, in simple blunt words, very corporeal, unsparing of ugly bodily details; emotions are depicted simply, mostly harsh emotions, but allowing for moments of joy and tenderness. It's an unusual style, over the cour...
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