Notas Sobre um País Grande
Publish date: 2006
Publisher: Livros Quetzal
Edition language: Portuguese
Eine warme Empfehlung von meiner lieben Leonie. Ich bekam schon kleine Einblicke durch Sprachnachrichten von ihr. Sehr unterhaltsam. Das Buch ist eine Sammlung der Kolumne von Bill Bryson und zeigt die wundersame Welt der USA mit all ihren Eigenheiten und Besonderheiten. Besonders witzig, da Mister...
A very funny perspective. It must be hard to be both a native and an outsider. Fortunately, Bryson is funny as hell, so the difficulty of it all is related in a way, that might make you laugh out loud, if you're a laughing out loud sort of person.Library copy
Great collection of columns about life in America. As always, Bill Bryson makes me laugh out loud by describing the hilariousness of stupidity you can come across in basically the every day life. It took me quite a while to finish it, but unlike the nagging feeling I get with other books when they t...
My least favourite (but still enjoyable) Bryson to date - I'm not sure I like him in this format (newspaper columns).
One tip: this is not a book to read in an airport. Or, in fact, anywhere in public. People tend to give you strange looks when you sit with your shoulders shaking and tears streaming down your face as you try desperately not to laugh out loud like a madwoman.Or perhaps that's just me.Anyway, Notes f...