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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Community Reviews back

by Ken Kesey
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kennethjmcginnis rated it 11 years ago
I only read when my OCD kicks in
I only read when my OCD kicks in rated it 11 years ago
An intense book from beginning to end. Well written and an incredibly thought out concepts.
MartynVHalm rated it 12 years ago
From an author's perspective, this is one of the finest books with an unreliable narrator I've ever come across.The story, set in a mental hospital, is told by Chief Bromden, or Chief Broom as he's called by the staff. Chief Broom is a huge Indian who never says a word, so he's assumed to be deafmut...
Bry's Bountiful Book Blog
Bry's Bountiful Book Blog rated it 12 years ago
SO much better than the movie. This is a classic anti-authoritarian novel, and surely must have been groundbreaking in its time for the fact that it took on authoritarianism which uses subtle and coercive means as its main method of control. Societal shaming is still a huge issue in North American ...
The Classics Companion
The Classics Companion rated it 12 years ago
Review: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I'd heard this referenced many a time in other books and TV shows, so for me, it was something I knew I had to read. The idea of a whole book set in a mental asylum, based off the author's use of drugs and working on a psychiatric ward, it sparked my interest ...
Beyond the Pages
Beyond the Pages rated it 12 years ago
Review: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I'd heard this referenced many a time in other books and TV shows, so for me, it was something I knew I had to read. The idea of a whole book set in a mental asylum, based off the author's use of drugs and working on a psychiatric ward, it sparked my interest ...
Mikela rated it 12 years ago
I read about 60% of the book then somehow mislaid it to bring my reading to a screeching halt. This can in no way cast aspirations on my tidiness you understand, it just fell into one of my many piles of books and awaited re-discovery (I maintain that this could happen to anyone). It took me awhile ...
UNICORN PORN FOR ALL rated it 12 years ago
Nobody's very big in the first place, and it looks to me like everybody spends their whole life tearing everybody else down.What do you do with this book? You're tempted to call it a young adult book, just because it's a bit obvious for a grown-up. With the asylum metaphor, and the Combine, and just...
travelin rated it 12 years ago
Surprisingly more anti-establishment than the movie. Ken Kesey's original screenplay for the movie wasn't accepted for some reason. Yet still I remember the movie fondly, as a character study you might say, more than a sociological statement.I met Ken Kesey not long before he died. Someone gave me a...
List Lover
List Lover rated it 12 years ago
Just a great book. Creepy/scary. But much more.
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