Organic Medicine: 15 in 1 Box Set - Discover And Learn The Top Organic Medicine For Healing, Natural Antibiotics And Medicinal Plants In This Set Of 15 ... plants, prehistoric herbal medicine)
DISCOVER:: 15 in 1 Box Set - Discover And Learn The Top Organic Medicine For Healing, Natural Antibiotics And Medicinal Plants In This Set Of 15 in 1*** BONUS! : FREE Natural Remedies Report Included !! *** * * * LIMITED TIME OFFER! * * * Organic Medicine - 15 in 1 Box Set - Discover And Learn...
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DISCOVER:: 15 in 1 Box Set - Discover And Learn The Top Organic Medicine For Healing, Natural Antibiotics And Medicinal Plants In This Set Of 15 in 1*** BONUS! : FREE Natural Remedies Report Included !! *** * * * LIMITED TIME OFFER! * * * Organic Medicine - 15 in 1 Box Set - Discover And Learn The Top Organic Medicine For Healing, Natural Antibiotics And Medicinal Plants In This Set Of 15 in 1 BOOK #1 PREVIEW There is endless wisdom in the medicinal practices of ancient civilizations. People who didn't have the opportunity to rely on modern technology were not capable of the same chances at longevity and health that we are in modern times. However, it is important to remember that the drugs we are using now are still in their infancy, and may come with more problems than solutions in some cases. BOOK #2 PREVIEW The science of herbs is a science that the world has forgotten as people began to rely on modern technology more and more. Unfortunately, it was forgotten for the wrong reasons. The appreciation for the gifts of nature fell into ignorance as people become blinded by the convenience of modern technology. Civilization does not always grow in the right way and abandoning herbs in favor of synthetic drugs is an example of civilization at its worst. BOOK #3 PREVIEW There are so many benefits to having gardens in your home. First, it is a known stress-reliever. When you are down on your hands and knees, tending to your garden, weeding, or just plain looking—the sight of life that you help grow is just breathtaking that it removes a lot of the stressful things from your mind. Even at their early stage, herbs give off such amazing scents that many fill you with vigour, while others provide a calming effect. BOOK #4 PREVIEW There are two main classes of medicinal preparations – herbal and pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical drugs are either synthesized or refined substances. On the other hand, herbal medicine is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as labelled and final medicinal products containing parts of plants (underground or aerial), plant materials, or combinations of both, as their main active ingredient. Plant materials may come in the form of gums, juices, essential oils, fatty oils and other similar substances. BOOK #5 PREVIEW There are many plants out there that can help out. In our world today, many turn to man-made drugs and other chemicals to help them out though, instead of going towards traditional medicine and natural antibiotics. Chemicals might seem fine now, but in actuality, it’s the first step many take on the pathway to antibiotic resistance and the inability to fight off infections. If one takes man-made antibiotics, there are other complications a well, and at the end of it, you won’t be as healthy or feel as good as you normally do. BOOK #6 PREVIEW Essential oils are commonly thought of in our society as just a great way to make your home smell nice. What many people don't think about is the ways they can be used and incorporated into our cooking and other activities in order to improve our health. Many people wouldn't think that using coconut oil has so many benefits when compared to oils like vegetable or canola oil, but the fact remains that coconut oil is full of incredible healing benefits that will make your body happier than it was before and help you avoid saturated fats that invade your body and cause you to gain weight like it is nobody's business. Get The Book Before The Promotion Runs Out! Only For A Limited Time! You Do NOT Need A Kindle Device To Read This E-Book, You Can Read On Your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, And Or Your Kindle Device --------Tags: foraging, medicinal plants, natural antibiotics, ancient medicinal plants, prehistoric herbal medicine, smoothies, spice mixes
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