Et, surtout, ayez bien les yeux grands ouverts sur le monde entier, car les plus grands secrets se trouvent toujours aux endroits les plus inattendus.
A recent trip to Philadelphia brought me to a wonderful small bookstore where I found a complete set of 'The Mennyms' in hardcover! So I got to read the rest of their story much sooner than I anticipated.The Mennyms had weathered the (false) alarm of a visit from Aunt Kate's nephew, in fact Magnus h...
Sarah, Percy and Bill are three owl babies. One night they awake to find their mother gone. They stay awake and await her return. After a while when she doesn't return, they get a little worried. What a cute book. I enjoyed it. The owl babies were very cute.
Fantastic book for kids! So imaginative and creative. Easy read that children will find delightful!Roald Dahl is always brilliant! His stories and rhymes are fun and entertaining! Some of my all time favorites!! Such a great way to entertain children and get them interested in reading!