Toad Triumphant
This stunning sequel follows the further adventures of four of the most beloved characters in English literature: loyal Mole, resourceful Water Rat, stern but wise Badger, and of course, capricious, irresistible Toad. In this new tale, the comfortable bachelor world of the River Bank is thrown...
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This stunning sequel follows the further adventures of four of the most beloved characters in English literature: loyal Mole, resourceful Water Rat, stern but wise Badger, and of course, capricious, irresistible Toad. In this new tale, the comfortable bachelor world of the River Bank is thrown into turmoil by the arrival of a formidable female character who seems to win Toad's heart. Recognizing the familiar danger signals, his long-suffering companions must do all that they can to save the infatuated Toad from himself. Enriched once again by the delightful illustrations of Patrick Benson, Toad Triumphant is another captivating tale for audiences and imaginations everywhere.
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Format: paperback
9780312183042 (0312183046)
Publish date: October 15th 1998
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Pages no: 288
Edition language: English
Series: Tales of the Willows (#2)