"Once again, with vivid descriptions and memorable characters, extraordinary storyteller Natasha Blackthorne draws you into her intriguing tale of acceptance, trust, and love in the erotic Regency romance Perilous Risk, the third installment of the Regency Risks series...The sexual chemistry...
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"Once again, with vivid descriptions and memorable characters, extraordinary storyteller Natasha Blackthorne draws you into her intriguing tale of acceptance, trust, and love in the erotic Regency romance Perilous Risk, the third installment of the Regency Risks series...The sexual chemistry between Rebecca and Stephen is electrifying as the sparks fly with their light BDSM play." ~ Lusty Penguin Reviews"Passion, danger, romance, lots of sensuality and so much more makes this a must read, Erotic Historical Romance...Loved it! A wickedly delicious Regency romp! Well done." ~My Book Addiction and MoreErotic Romance ~ Regency Historical ~ Light BDSM ~ Older Woman, Younger Man ~ Former Courtesan Kept Woman ~ Novel Length ~ Part of a series but may be read as standalone.Rebecca is in gravedanger. Accused of murder and blackmailed by a vicious, powerfularistocrat who demands she help ruin the noble protector she onceloved, common-born, gentle-natured Rebecca is in desperate need ofhelp. From the shadows steps forth a man offering her aid--a man sherejected years ago when he was but a youth. Now he appears before herutterly changed, no longer a boy but a man with a dark, mysteriouspast. How can she trust him? Yet with her time and options runningout, how can she nottrust him?Stephen Drake lostRebecca long ago. Back then, he was too young to keep a woman likeher. Now a spy for the Crown, he has power, funds, a title...and he'sbeen assigned to follow Rebecca. But thoughts of his mission fade tothe background as his old passion for her flares and his darklyerotic side--one he's fought to keep hidden for many years--awakenswith a vengeance. This time, he is determined to possess her forever.But as danger surrounds them, the two lovers must face secrets thatcould destroy them and the fragile trust they've built."...this book left little flutters in the bottom of my stomach....it had me gripped right from the begging to end...you can picture your self as Rebecca and living her life... glad I read this book yet again there is no disappointment from Mrs Natasha Blackthorne." ~ Satin's Bookish Corner
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