Persephone takes her life and heart into her own hands when she meets and follows a mysterious stranger on a sweet summer day. However, tragedy strikes, and her lover, the mystifying Adrian, begs her as his life fades: Persephone, head to the sea. Honouring his request, she begins a journey where...
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Persephone takes her life and heart into her own hands when she meets and follows a mysterious stranger on a sweet summer day. However, tragedy strikes, and her lover, the mystifying Adrian, begs her as his life fades: Persephone, head to the sea. Honouring his request, she begins a journey where she discovers her true heritage and finds the family she always dreamed of. Persephone almost finds peace and happiness until her past catches up. She is not about to give up, however, and is determined to obey Adrian’s dying wish. But what is waiting for her at the shore? Will she find her destiny, or lose everything she had fought so hard to find? Can she become the Witch that her true parents wanted her to be, or will she succumb to the Darkness?
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Format: Paperback
9781926514185 (1926514181)
ASIN: 1926514181
Publish date: 2015-07-25
Publisher: Naughty Nights Press
Pages no: 340
Edition language: English
I was gifted this ARC for an honest review and what a gift it was. Not having read this author before I wasn't sure if I'd like it not. From the first chapter I was hooked. No spoilers, read the blurb then read the story and you won't be disappointed.It was an original story and I laughed and cried ...