Peter Singer
Birth date: July 06, 1946
Peter Singer's Books
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I remember trying to read this before, and while I thought it was thought provoking, I also found it repetitive even though I hadn't even gotten very far along. I will try this again though, as I do realize it's just a collection of essays.
I read this book with the expectation that it would challenge some of my views, so my disappointment is not that Singer didn't validate all my personal opinons. I went in ready to debate and argue and question my own fundamental beliefs, and I felt like Singer was unwilling to do the same. Singer ...
I read this book for some background research. A philosopher with a specialty in ethics, Singer discusses "specieism" (prejudice toward non-human animals) and offers vivid accounts of its most gruesome by-products--chilling, horrific documentation of animals victimized in military, scientific, and c...
Prädikat: Sehr empfehlenswert!Ein Buch das nicht nur angenehm zu lesen ist, sondern auch gut verständlich. Aber vor allem, ist es sehr informativ, gut strukturiert und durch die angegebenen Quellen auch sehr gut dokumentiert.Viel viel wichtiger ist, die Message die es vermittelt, und diese vermittel...