This book follows two sets of siblings as they all harp on about how shitty their lives are. Alex and Kyle are brothers who has a Dad who killed himself right after he found out that their Mom was cheating on him. Alex is pissed at the Dad for killing himself and pissed at the Mom for giving him rea...
Every summer Katie and her sister Julie meet up with Alex and his brother Kyle at a lakeside community in New York. They leave behind their problems - which are legion - and find comfort in each other. But when a dark secret of one of them leaks out, the four are all left reeling by the far-reaching...
Pieces of Us was one of the toughest reads that I've ever had. I ultimately finished the book, but it was more out of morbid fascination than anything else. The characters here are so broken, so lost, so disturbed, that I wasn't sure if there was any saving grace to them. By the time I finished read...
DNF - this title was extremely disturbing to me. I'm not one who usually balks at disturbing, but this was just too much. I hate not finishing a book. It's been so long I can't remember the last time I didn't finish one, but I just couldn't read anymore. The choice to not continue reading was hard, ...
Margie Gelbwasser's second YA novel is a gritty contemporary tale written in an out-of-the-box narrative style. If you like books that are uplifting or happily-after-ever, you should definitely look elsewhere. But if you're looking for books that explore the darker side of the teen experience, you m...
Thank to you NetGalley and Flux for this copy of Pieces of Us. It's not often that I'm at a loss for words but this book that's full of hurt and pain left me speechless and emotionally drained. It's gritty and real, dealing with issues that run the gamut from parental neglect to a taped date rape ...
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