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Prodigy - Community Reviews back

by Marie Lu
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The Ninja Reader
The Ninja Reader rated it 10 years ago
I was surprised, when doing my 2014 prequels and sequels round-up, that I didn't have a review of "Prodigy" up. I thought I did. I definitely remembered reading it and having a minor crisis over the ending. I suspect I set writing the review aside, wanting to give it my full attention in exploring t...
October Tune
October Tune rated it 10 years ago
Read this review and more on my blog October Tune.When I read Legend for the first time, I enjoyed it very much but was very annoyed by the childish way it was translated (into Dutch). But I did want to continue the series, so I got the other two books as well, in English that is. And I have to say ...
The Bibliophile Confessions
The Bibliophile Confessions rated it 10 years ago
I cannot even begin to describe how amazing this book was! I mean seriously, this book has given me all sorts or reactions and feelings a person could have.I love the fact that it starts right off where Legend has ended. It doesn't make you feel lost and like, re-calibrate yourself or get your beari...
The WordSmithe
The WordSmithe rated it 10 years ago
I was slightly disappointed with this one. The story line was still excellent. I just wanted to read more about Day! I loved the characters. Another 'up all night' read.
Sky Chord
Sky Chord rated it 10 years ago
En varias ocasiones he mencionado que Legend, la primera parte de la trilogía, me gustó mucho pero no encantó. Desde que lo terminé, estuve ansiosa por leer su segunda parte , y apenas lo conseguí comencé a leerlo. Esta ha sido la primera vez que continúo con una trilogía ya que siempre me quedo est...
Blondie and Read
Blondie and Read rated it 10 years ago
**This is the second in a series... If you haven't finished the first one, there will be spoilers**I picked up this one because duh. I had to find out what happened. Lu, what are you doing to these characters that hasn't already been done to them?A huge "HURRAH" for having the same voice actors!I do...
oanaread rated it 10 years ago
He is beauty, inside and out.He is the silver lining in a world of darkness.He is my light.not all good things end well. huhuhu. why is that so? and kaede. i'm actually expecting something big's happening to kaede after always being there to help our Phantom and Prodigy. but no. And Anden, after all...
The Symmetrical Bookworm
The Symmetrical Bookworm rated it 10 years ago
Wow. As my friend Natalie on Goodreads said, Prodigy is "leaps and bounds ahead of Legend". Prodigy, in my opinion, was infinitely better than Legend. First all, the plot has more going on. More action and fight scenes, some political intriugue, some romance, and worldbuilding. And lots of twists ...
ultraviolet rated it 11 years ago
Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
Book InfoKindle Edition, 372 pagesPublished January 29th 2013 by Putnam Juvenile (first published January 1st 2013)original title Prodigy (Legend, #2)ASIN B0087GIUTMedition language Englishseries Legend #2characters June Iparis, Daniel Altan Wingother editions (34)Source:Kindle version borrowed from...
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