“Profitable Social Media is a must read for any business interested in capitalizing on the hottest opportunity to expand your company’s influence and build profitability using social media. I highly recommend it.”~~Dr. Joe Rubino, Founder, CenterForPersonalReinvention.com “Warren is the reason I...
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“Profitable Social Media is a must read for any business interested in capitalizing on the hottest opportunity to expand your company’s influence and build profitability using social media. I highly recommend it.”~~Dr. Joe Rubino, Founder, CenterForPersonalReinvention.com “Warren is the reason I am involved in the social media space. When we met, I was beginning to utilize new media to grow my business and he said 'you MUST be in the social networks.' I took his advice and I can attribute my business book deal, my influence increase and at least half a million dollars in business to my effective use of social media per Warren's examples. His advice is valuable, listen closely.”~~Carrie Wilkerson, Author, The Barefoot ExecutiveExcerpts from Declan Dunn’s foreword: "As someone who has been asked to review many social media books, Profitable Social Media is the first book I've read that spells out in detail that Social media is rapidly growing up from the early years to a new world driven by many smaller, higher quality markets. It is also finally the time that social media must prove ROI, which makes the release of this book, Profitable Social Media, timely and more than relevant.Beyond the changing tools like Facebook, G+, and Twitter, people are creating new ways of using media and sharing it with friends while unknowingly creating the emerging social world of word of mouth marketing. Since at least 33% of all Internet traffic is from Facebook alone and a considerable amount from the other two leaders of social media traffic, YouTube, and Twitter, ignoring your social media strategy will likely doom your business online in the next few years. If you are not there, your competition is. The best parts of this book are the minds you get connected to, from famous thought leaders like Seth Godin to social media leaders such as Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, and Mari Smith (and many more) sharing their insights. Combine the expertise of these authors with the insights of the people they contacted and you will see the method of this book in action. Social media can be profitable if you go in with an open mind, a plan, and listen to your audience! It’s the old market cliché, many markets are an inch wide, and a mile deep. Without profits, social media and your business are just a hobby. Now read this book and find out the way to make social media profitable for you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “MINDSHIFT a business owner must make if you want to successfully use social media to grow your business. Specifically, the chapter on Serendipity Selling shares key distinctions and insider information on exactly how to communicate and connect in a way that online master communicators understand, but until now has never been defined and shared in such a step by step manner. The book definitely lives up to its name!" ~~Michelle Price, Social Media Capitalist "I hear quite often from business owners about how much they'd really like to be using social media as part of their marketing strategy. They've heard it's great for business but they think it's too hard, takes too much time or are unsure if it will really be cost-effective for them. By following the strategies and tactics taught in Profitable Social Media, any business owner can learn how to be effective and profitable using the social media tools to connect with their customers and fans."~~Kate Buck, Jr."This book is a must read for anyone who wishes to actually make money using social media. Fantastic insight on how social media really works!"~~Richard M. Krawczyk, Author, Ultimate Success Blueprint RichardKrawczyk.com
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