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Psikonevrotik Atomik Keçiler - Alex Boese
Psikonevrotik Atomik Keçiler
by: (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9786055785468
Publisher: Gürer Yayınları
Pages no: 391
Edition language: Turkish
Community Reviews
dearmfield rated it
3.0 Electrified Sheep: Glass-eating Scientists, Nuking the Moon, and More Bizarre Experiments
This is A 3.5 rating the opening studies are extremely boring. Chapter 1: Electric BodiesThe study of electric goes to the animals one thing I will remember next time the lights go out with no sign of a storm, then that is pay back from the pigeons.Chapter 2: Nuclear ReactionsMuch better section the...
halfmanhalfbook rated it
3.0 Electrified Sheep: Glass-eating Scientists, Nuking the Moon, and More Bizarre Experiments
A collection of mad, foolhardy and gross scientific advancements that have been made by scientists that are on the very edge of the scientific community.Covers people who have eaten all manner of things, have poisoned themselves, have tried to tech chimp to become low IQ worker and pushed their own ...
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