Rămăşiţele zilei
Format: paperback
9789736839191 (9736839191)
Publish date: 2002
Publisher: Polirom
Edition language: Romanian
Wcale nie zamierzałem czytać tej książki. Nie było jej w żadnych moich planach czytelniczych. Miałem jedynie jakieś – nomen omen – okruchy wspomnień z udanej adaptacji filmowej. Kiedy więc zupełnym przypadkiem natknąłem się na stronę książki w jakimś sklepie, jakoś tak zacząłem czytać znajdujący się...
Kazuo Ishiguro is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. His writing is seamless, it gently flows along unhurried soothing….Stevens is a long serving butler at Darlington Hall, this is a world of servitude, a world of privilege at a time where class distinctions were recognized and viewed as imp...
The remains of the day was a meditative look at the life of an English butler in the Nineteenth century and one which I really enjoyed. Previously I read Never Letting Go by the same author and although I liked it, it didn’t evoke much emotional engagement. I was therefore hesitant to try this, bu...
I had heard so much about this author and was looking forward to reading one of his books for our book group. I started with the audiobook version, narrated by Nigel Hawthorne, but found his voice too slow and the book was dragging, so I did something that I never do - I read it rather than listenin...
This felt way longer than the page count warrants. The voice of the first person narrator is dry and fraught with many boring details about being a butler and the job of a butler - I profession I never really felt much interest in... The picture his narration paints is that of an unintelligent, em...