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Railsea - Community Reviews back

by China Miéville
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Dee's Blog Blog
Dee's Blog Blog rated it 12 years ago
def. took a little bit of time to get into it - but well worth the read - review to follow
Ceridwen rated it 12 years ago
Cross-posted on ReaderlingOne of the reasons I didn't get to Railsea until now is that [b:Moby-Dick|153747|Moby-Dick|Herman Melville|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327940656s/153747.jpg|2409320] is all over this story, and obviously so. I haven't ever read Moby Dick, and reading a book without having...
suzemo rated it 12 years ago
This is the second Miéville book I've read, and while I adored The City and The City, after reading several reviews for this book, I decided to skip it.Then it got chosen for a book club and I read it anyway.And I'm not entirely unhappy that I read it. It was a really easy read for me. I love Mié...
emaree rated it 12 years ago
I really want to like Mieville's style. I do. But after being amused by it for a few pages, by page five I was sick of it. He suffers badly from "Call A Rabbit A Smeerp" syndrome.I gave up after this sentence, about moles/moldywarpes: "He'd seen pups of bigger species too, miserable in earthtanks, b...
Musings of a Bibliophile
Musings of a Bibliophile rated it 13 years ago
Ending hit me like a hammer, will have to recollect my thoughts before I can even attempt a coherent review.4.5 starsOk, so I'm still unsure if I can write the review this book deserves, and a lot of it has already been said anyway. It's certainly far easier to write about books I didn't like, or on...
MiriamReads rated it 13 years ago
Wonderfully written, but self-conscious, pretentious, and kind of pointless....given that it's a take on Moby-Dick, I suspect that the things I found unsatisfying are things I would also find unsatisfying about Moby-Dick.
Dantastic Book Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews rated it 13 years ago
Urged on by his guardian cousins, young Sham Yes ap Soorap gets apprenticed to a doctor on a moletrain, riding the Railsea in search of moldywarpe, giant moles hunted for food. Captain Naphi of the Medes, the train Sham sails aboard, is obsessed with Mocker Jack, the biggest moldywarpe of them all,...
Allusion is not Illusion
Allusion is not Illusion rated it 13 years ago
So far no reviews I've seen have mentioned E. Nesbit, so I guess I'll have to read this myself to find out if there are any allusions.
Read on Ascraeus
Read on Ascraeus rated it 13 years ago
Wow. Bit of a slow starter, mainly due to the sheer immensity of the imagination needing time to find expression, but after about thirty pages this just sank its harpoons into my mind and refused to let go. Moldywarpe, ferronaval, philosophy, blood rabbit & &. Even the description of that last is wo...
Jill rated it 13 years ago
I was hoping China Mieville could become my latest author obsession, but I sorta kinda hated this. For me, it was too much style, too little substance. I loathed the prose (ampersand abuse is a serious problem!) and at a third of the way through, I had no investment in the story or characters.Perhap...
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