The saga continues for Riikka Toivonen as she finds life with her Viking husband is nothing short of a hot roller-coaster ride. Fitting into Viking culture has had its moments and some of them pretty scorching as Riikka discovers a whole new sensual side of herself. She has only one regret, but...
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The saga continues for Riikka Toivonen as she finds life with her Viking husband is nothing short of a hot roller-coaster ride. Fitting into Viking culture has had its moments and some of them pretty scorching as Riikka discovers a whole new sensual side of herself. She has only one regret, but she knows she has to find a way to make peace with the fact that she was forced to leave without saying goodbye to her best friend, Lucy. Or does she?
When Riikka tries to get a message to Lucy in modern times, she has no idea what events she’s put in motion. When three messengers arrive with news of plague, war, and a demon, life gets tossed like a ship in a storm. There are many choices to be made, but she isn’t alone. With Thorstein’s love and strength they can sail through anything—together.
18+ years of age (contains adult content)
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