by Jane McGonigal
I think I would have liked this book more if I'd read it in a few days instead of taking 2 weeks to read it. It's not the books' fault, it's mine I got lazy and then I literally forgot I even had it! Strangely, I really like the game. It's something to do and it's for a good cause.
Ms. McGonigal has some fascinating things to say about the role of games in human civilizations. I loved that she started with a history of games in ancient cultures, it added a great continuity as she went on to give the surprising statistics of how much time is currently devoted to gaming.My favo...
A new look about games. I was more interested on how it made me think of reality. We are missing community and are finding it in games.
"The opposite of play isn't work. It's depression." "Gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression." More and more people are playing video games, whether it's hardcore console gaming or simple games on sites like Facebook. So, we spend less time on passive activities, like watching telev...