During the mid-21st century, the consequences of global warming began to wreak havoc throughout Earth. Super storms became the norm, eroding shorelines and giving way to rising seas. Icebergs drifted into shipping lanes in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In the temperate zones, historically...
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During the mid-21st century, the consequences of global warming began to wreak havoc throughout Earth. Super storms became the norm, eroding shorelines and giving way to rising seas. Icebergs drifted into shipping lanes in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In the temperate zones, historically fertile farmlands transformed into deserts. The greatest rain forests withered. Hunger and malnutrition plagued nearly half of the planets seven billion souls.
Nevertheless, hope to restore the ecosystems persevered in the form of a growing global force, the Renewable Elemental Energy Law Rangers – REEL Rangers. The year 2062 marked the 50th anniversary of the REEL Rangers. Founded in 2012, the REEL Rangers were established in order to advance and support renewable energy initiatives and programs that help to develop, sustain and safeguard the five renewable energy sources: Biomass, Solar, Geothermal, Wind, and Water. During decades of extraordinary expansion, the REEL Rangers developed into a supra-governmental organization (SGO), recognized by every sovereign entity on Earth.
In 2062, Megalith Lunar Mining set up operations to extract precious volatiles at the South Pole of the Moon. COO Revelin North struggled to maximize production, regardless of the risks to the lunar environment. But, the Renewable Elemental Energy Law Rangers were sent to the moon to investigate, led by Deputy Chief "Tree" Mays. Tree's reputation for challenging authority rivaled his renown for uncovering environmental violations by corporations on Earth.
Joining Tree on this mission to the Moon are fellow REEL Rangers, Luis Ramirez, a nuclear physicist, and Sophie Lavoie, an aerospace engineer. Together, the diverse trio endeavor to reveal the mystery of how Megalith Lunar Mining threatens the lunar environment. Risking their lives in order to stop the hazardous mining operations, a confrontation between Tree and North is inevitable.
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