This short story takes place during the timeline of Altar of Influence: The Orsarian War. The reader is highly encouraged to read the afore mentioned title first. Thannuel and Moira have been promised to each other since birth. Just as they are growing, both as individuals and together, the...
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This short story takes place during the timeline of Altar of Influence: The Orsarian War. The reader is highly encouraged to read the afore mentioned title first.
Thannuel and Moira have been promised to each other since birth. Just as they are growing, both as individuals and together, the Marishee probe deep into Arlethia and strike at House Kerr, attempting to abduct Thannuel and assassinate Moira. While the attempt barely fails, it leaves them questioning their relationship and deeply contemplating their future together.
Amnoch, master of the hold guard for House Kerr and member of the furtive Gyldenal Order, sets out on a quest to discover more about the Marishee, disciples of the enigmatic Thoulden-sha, the Oracle of Mari-shaden. As The Resurgence continues to gain traction among the people of Senthara, Amnoch’s mission unwittingly becomes a fulcrum between the Living Light and The Ancient Dark. Remnants of things long forgotten since The Turning Away lie hidden and await him, shadows of an unknown threat too great to ignore.
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