At four years old, Ben 'Beanie' Hunter leads a charmed life: a life filled with cuddles, chocolate biscuits and dressing up to play Aladdin with his teddy bears. And it all gets even better when he shares the fun with his new best friend, Felix, even though Felix doesn't care about Aladdin. In...
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At four years old, Ben 'Beanie' Hunter leads a charmed life: a life filled with cuddles, chocolate biscuits and dressing up to play Aladdin with his teddy bears. And it all gets even better when he shares the fun with his new best friend, Felix, even though Felix doesn't care about Aladdin. In fact, scrappy, foul-mouthed Felix doesn't care about anything much, except looking after the class snail, Bob, and playing with Beanie in the magic kingdom they create together. He might even like the kisses and cuddles Beanie gives him as they play, although he's not about to admit it.As they grow older and the affection shared between the two boys changes into something much deeper, so do Felix's fears that Beanie will leave him. But Beanie is determined to prove to Felix that he will love him forever, and what better way than recreating the magic kingdom they once shared?This short story can be downloaded for free as part of the Goodreads M/M Romance Group's 'Love Has No Boundaries' event, at
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