A Fantasy Fiction Y.A. novel. After a dark magical event of catastrophic proportions, the young Prince Luken of Corlan suddenly finds his entire way of life changed. His quiet, peaceful existence soon becomes a frantic battle of leadership and survival. Without the other royals, it is left to...
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A Fantasy Fiction Y.A. novel.
After a dark magical event of catastrophic proportions, the young Prince Luken of Corlan suddenly finds his entire way of life changed. His quiet, peaceful existence soon becomes a frantic battle of leadership and survival.
Without the other royals, it is left to him, to try to guide his people, and protect them from the marauding hordes that have invaded his country. Attacked from two of the neighbouring nations, it soon becomes apparent they are outnumbered. To make matters worse, it is feared that things far worse than enemy soldiers roam the land.
With a small band of friends, he endures to do his duty to the ever-increasing number of refugees. Knowing they cannot retreat forever, they decide to make a stand.
With haunted dreams and the nuisance of a man named Dagon, strange magic is revealed to him. Understanding and believing is one matter, attempting to wield and control it is another. Despite the efforts of others, his continuation to doubt the destiny set out before him, may prove the difference between their survival and their extinction.
UK (English)
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