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Robert Graves - Community Reviews back

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Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it 12 years ago
A very good dramatization. If you are a fan of the series, this does not detract from it. It is also interesting to listen to Derek Jacobi as Augustus. It makes a nice bookend.
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1418To Nancy Nicholson Note: Some of the poems included in this volume have appeared in "The New Statesman", "The Owl", "Reveille", "Land and Water", "Poetry", and other papers, English and American.Robert Graves.Harlech,North Wales. A FROSTY NIGHT...
Nigeyb rated it 12 years ago
For anyone interested in the era this book is essential"[b:The Long Week End: A Social History of Great Britain, 1918-1939|52254|The Long Week End A Social History of Great Britain, 1918-1939|Robert Graves|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347523056s/52254.jpg|3020623]" was written by novelist Robert G...
Diocletian rated it 12 years ago
A must read for any Roman History fan. It is the gossip tabloid of the ancient world. That does not mean that it is not historical, however, just that much of it is gossip and rumor. Now that I have read this, it is time to read the Secret History by Procopius!
Pablos czytelnik
Pablos czytelnik rated it 12 years ago
Przyznaję się bez bicia, że chciałem spróbować nieco owej kontrowersyjności, którą z reguły reklamuje się książkę Roberta Gravesa “Król Jezus”. Inne spojrzenie na żywot człowieka, który dla wielu stał się bogiem, przyczyną powstania kolejnego odłamu religijnego, z czasem jednego z największych na św...
A Wholly Reluctant Blog
A Wholly Reluctant Blog rated it 12 years ago
I started reading this book almost 20 years ago, but made the mistake of reading T.H. White's The Once and Future King first. The difference in prose between a book written in the 1950s (White) and a book written in the 15th century (Malory) was so stark as to make this book nigh impenetrable. Needl...
helenliz rated it 12 years ago
A brilliant piece of imagination. Claudius is an unlikely author of the kiss & tell memoir, but that's what Graves creates, a kiss & tell of the roman period. Told in the style of a personal memior, it is very direct and first person, which makes it feel very modern. Tells of his family history thro...
Diamond Dee Loves to Read
Diamond Dee Loves to Read rated it 12 years ago
One of my favorite books EVER. I simply adore Claudius; and find him lovable and charming. Graves breathes life into characters so historic and legendary, and makes the reader feel as though we are actually living in Ancient Rome. Graves does all this, while simultaneously keeping the integrity of h...
lonesomepoint rated it 13 years ago
The strength of Robert Graves' autobiography is that it provides sharp and illuminating observations on: the culture of the British school system and students in the early twentieth century; the behavior and attitudes of British regular military officers (as opposed to both enlistees and reservists)...
sarahsar rated it 13 years ago
Robert Graves gives this work of historical fiction an intriguing premise. He presents Jesus not as the offspring of a divine being, born of a virgin birth, but as the very mortal son of Mary and Antipater, the eldest son of King Herod the Great. Herod had a nasty tendency to eliminate family member...
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