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Robin Cook - Community Reviews back

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Cirya rated it 11 years ago
początek mnie zabił, dosłownie, mnóstwo terminów naukowych i medycznych, a na dokładkę jakieś opisy wielkiej machiny finansowej... ale jak się już przez to wszystko przebrnie akcja nabiera tempa i wszystko zaczyna się ze sobą wiązać, a trybiki trafiają na swoje miejsce. Spodobała mi się też bohaterk...
Jenny's Book Bag
Jenny's Book Bag rated it 11 years ago
This was my first Robin Cook book and I was instantly hooked. The suspense, characters and storytelling just reel you right in. I just couldn't put it down! It's been a while since I've been that absorbed into a book and I absolutely can't wait to read another one!
Jenny's Book Bag
Jenny's Book Bag rated it 11 years ago
This was my first Robin Cook book and I was instantly hooked. The suspense, characters and storytelling just reel you right in. I just couldn't put it down! It's been a while since I've been that absorbed into a book and I absolutely can't wait to read another one!
Aditi rated it 11 years ago
Wow another master thriller. Its really great because of the cutting edge technology used in this novel. What to say! It was as usual another gripping tale which will take you to the edge of modern technology, and make you realize how a simple technology can change your lives.
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream rated it 11 years ago
Perhaps this was Robin Cook's thinking:"Sphinx" = Egypt"Sphinx" = riddle"Riddle" = mysterySphinx = mystery in Egypt.In any case, no sphinx figures into the plot of this novel, but it is an Egyptological mystery/thriller.Young, beautiful Egyptologist Erica Baron, while on a sort of working vacation i...
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream rated it 11 years ago
A couple of Harvard coeds (graduate students, actually) decide they want to find out if any progeny resulted from their donation of eggs at an infertility clinic. Of course, the only way to accomplish this goal is by breaking the law: assuming fake identities to find jobs at the clinic, stealing acc...
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream
Gurglings of a Putrid Stream rated it 11 years ago
Coma starts out so well and encompasses such a wonderfully sinister plot that it's a shame it had to be written by Robin Cook. I read the author's Shock not too long ago. In the nearly 25 years that had elapsed between the publication of the books, Cook clearly hadn't learned a thing about creating ...
knittingnut rated it 11 years ago
quick easy read. What is the difference between God and a doctor? God doesn't think he's a doctor.
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 11 years ago
Pia is a brilliant fourth year medical student working with a brilliant but difficult scientist on top secret, life changing research. Dr. Rothman gets along with no one but Pia and one other scientist. Pia, you see, may be beautiful on the outside but she is damaged emotionally. Her upbringing was ...
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 11 years ago
I just started a medical course and so I loved reading the phrases and terminology in "real life" use (as real as a fiction novel can get). Not one of his absolute best, but top 10. Not too many unpronouncable medical terms.
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