Romain Gary
Birth date: May 08, 1914
Died: December 02, 1980
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Emile Ajar c’est moi. «Mi sono davvero divertito. Arrivederci e grazie». Madame Rosa, grassa e vecchia prostituta ebrea, smesso il mestiere per anzianità, cresce i figli delle giovani meretrici che non vogliono vedersi sottrarre la prole dalle autorità francesi. Momò è uno di loro. Non conosce la ...
3.5 stars I had to read this book for school this summer, and while all my friend moaned and complained, I read this book in a day and found myself actually liking it. It was mostly a sad read, but with a frankness that was as refreshing as it was shocking, and an unapologetic point of view tha...
This book is a collection of some very good short stories of some of the best contemporary French authors. Carefully selected and translated. Besides Sartre, Camus and Beckett (and I wish there was a place for Simone de Beauvoir too) I really liked Boris Vian's Les Fourmis from his book with the sam...
I had to read this book for school, and pretty much hated every minute...
- Vous pouvez vous les fourrez quelque part, vos éléphants, avait gueulé le Révérend Père avec une grandeur de vision incontestable.Il ferait beaucoup mieux de défendre un animal qui était encore plus menacé d'extinction dans le cœur des hommes, c'est-à-dire le Bon Dieu !- Il me laissa gueuler, et p...