Jane Foster is trying to deal with her mortality and the temptation not to put down the hammer. She's trying to get Thor Odinson to understand why she has done what she has done. Meanwhile Malekith is encouraging war between the worlds and when some delegates to go help the Dwarves, Volstaag is con...
Jane Foster Thor is great.
Jason Aaron is always solid, and the art (Russel Dauterman for most, and Jorge Molina) is really great as well. They took one of the most inexplicable moments from Original Sins and made something fun out of it.
Episode 1 of several Marvel Superheroines. I had previously read Thor and Ms Marvel and found both quite good, this added some heroines to graphic novels I have to search out. She-Hulk looks very interesting but Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is not my type.
Seems like Thor has become unworthy to wield the hammer. A new Thor claims the hammer and is female. No one knows anything about her. She's not sure why the hammer has claimed her and she's off to fight the bad guys. This is not a genre I read much. I felt like I dropped into the middle of the story...