Sailing with Monkey is a humorous post-modern tale of friendship and adventure. Blair is the stagnant beneficiary of a waning logging empire who learns his grandfather has cursed him by felling a stand of mystical trees. Blair is goaded by his newfound comrade, Monkey, into a sailing journey to...
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Sailing with Monkey is a humorous post-modern tale of friendship and adventure. Blair is the stagnant beneficiary of a waning logging empire who learns his grandfather has cursed him by felling a stand of mystical trees. Blair is goaded by his newfound comrade, Monkey, into a sailing journey to break the curse and navigate the dangerous waters of anthropologists, sea monsters, shadow people, and the "Turkey" song. Breaking a curse is no straightforward endeavor, though, and bureaucracy, cowardice, and other forces of nature interfere.
Written in a humorous, unconventional literary style that embraces absurdity and touches the surreal, Sailing with Monkey doesn’t follow the normal path of a story. Instead, it blends the real with the imagined and waking life with a dream into a picaresque epic that nods to “Don Quixote” and the Kafkaesque. “I, Blair J. Belding III, present this as an accurate account of my struggles against the Curse of Jacob Hastings and the American Society of Ethical Anthropologists.”
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