Sandra has created a heart-pounding, award winning mystery series around the intelligent, ballsy Liv Bergen, a woman who embodies the spirit of South Dakota. Much like her fictional character, Sandra Brannan has spent her career in the mining business and lives in the Black Hills. SOLOMON'S...
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Sandra has created a heart-pounding, award winning mystery series around the intelligent, ballsy Liv Bergen, a woman who embodies the spirit of South Dakota. Much like her fictional character, Sandra Brannan has spent her career in the mining business and lives in the Black Hills. SOLOMON'S WHISPER, the 5th in the Liv Bergen Mystery series released in e-book on September 2, 2014 and in Trade Paperback on February 5, 2015. 2010 IN THE BELLY OF JONAH 2011 LOT'S RETURN TO SODOM 2012 WIDOW'S MIGHT 2013 NOAH'S RAINY DAY 2014 SOLOMON'S WHISPERIn response to the overwhelming success of IN THE BELLY OF JONAH, launched in September 2010, and LOT'S RETURN TO SODOM, released June 1, 2011, Brannan prioritizes her time first to the librarians and booksellers for nominating her to earn ABA's Indie Next List Notable, to book clubs and fans who have described Liv Bergen as the love child of Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone and Lee Child's Jack Reacher, and to teachers for all the gratitude she has for their role in her success. The second in the Liv Bergen Mystery series reached the top 10 for e-book mysteries, top 5 for women's mysteries in 2011. WIDOW'S MIGHT, the third in the series, earned ABA's Indie NextList and numerous accolades in 2012 from Publishers Weekly, Library Thing, Booklist, and ABA Indie Next List Great Reads from independent booksellers across the country. Suspense Magazine calls WIDOW'S MIGHT the "perfect blend of suspense, thrills, and romance". The setting for Brannan's books are in the mountain states, including wonderful sites like Nemo and Rochford in the Black Hills.The fourth in the series NOAH'S RAINY DAY released September 3, 2013 and was chosen as Best of 2013 list by Suspense Magazine, a finalist for Best Mystery/Thriller by USA Book News, and finalist for IndieFab Award by Foreword Reviews at the American Library Association conference in Vegas in 2014.Sandra can be contacted at or by email at
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