I won this book in a giveaway on a blog. What called to me was the cover and the title Widow's Might, it just sounds right up my alley. Honestly I would read the other two books in this series before you even read this one, and the reason I say this is because of the relationship between Liv and the...
I received a free Adobe Digital Editions copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, this has not compromised my ability to write an honest and critical review of the book. 16/11 - Before starting I was worried that this, being the fourth book in the series, would go over my head, as I...
Genre: Mystery/Thriller Recommended to: Readers who have been following along with this series, or those who love a great mystery! First Thoughts: Holy... I am so blown away by this book I'm not even sure where to start. I've been a massive fan of Sandra Brannan's mysteries since I first met Liv ...
Ahhhhh. Once again, Sandra Brannan has totally taken my breath away with her writing. Widow's Might brings back the Liv that I was waiting for, a completely twisted murder that kept me reading, and a fabulous cast of characters. What I love most about this books in this series are how easy they are ...
I received this book along with In the Belly of Jonah and Lot's Return to Sodom as part of a promotion with Friday Reads. I was supposed to take part in a Twitter chat with the author but I missed it because it was held in the middle of the work day.Widow's Might is the third in a series by Sandra ...
Lot's Return to Sodom picks up a few months after Liv's last mystery, and drops the reader right back into the fray. Liv is slowly recovering from her brush with the De Milo killer. Everyone around her treats her like a frail being, and for a woman like Liv that's the most maddening thing of all. So...
Originally Reviewed At:Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 4.5 out of 5 Controllers Review Source: ARC provided by the publisherReviewer: HeatherWidow’s Might is the third installment in the Liv Bergen mysteries. I’ll disclose that I have not had the chance to read the previous books, though I am sure I woul...
A very likable murder mystery with a very likable character in Liv Bergen, an owner of a Colorado rock quarry who discovers she has a knack for solving murders when the FBI uses her house as a staging area to catch a seriously deranged serial killer. Once the tale kicks in, there is little doubt who...
Honestly, I just could not get into this. It was mostly the prose, I think. That and I did not like the voice of the main character. Maybe one day I'll try it again, who knows. I'm just glad I didn't pay for it and that it was free.
In the Belly of Jonah is quite the gruesome mystery, and not exactly for the faint of heart. Liv Bergen is hit close to her heart when one of her temporary workers is murdered in a very odd way. Deemed "the de Milo murderer", this serial killer is all about artistic presentation of their victim. If ...