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Secondary Breakthrough Workbook: Physics: Form 1 - Evans Arao, Worldreader
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Secondary Breakthrough Workbook: Physics: Form 1
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Because of logistical difficulties and high costs, many schools in developing countries do not have easy access to textbooks. Worldreader addresses that problem using e-reader technology. Worldreader works with textbook publishers across the developing world to offer a range of digital textbooks... show more
Because of logistical difficulties and high costs, many schools in developing countries do not have easy access to textbooks. Worldreader addresses that problem using e-reader technology. Worldreader works with textbook publishers across the developing world to offer a range of digital textbooks to schools as part of their wider goal to promote literacy by bringing books to all.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publisher: Moran Publishers and Worldreader
Pages no: 215
Edition language: English
Books by Worldreader
Books by Evans Arao
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