Sense and Sensibility
Format: kindle
European Literature,
British Literature,
Historical Fiction,
Classic Literature,
19th Century,
In my adult re-reading of Austen’s major works, I came to this one after having a lot of fun with Emma and Pride and Prejudice, and therefore with high expectations. It disappointed a bit, in part for reasons not embedded in the text at all—character portrayals from the 1995 movie kept intruding—in ...
Very similar to "Pride and Prejudice", i liked the latter more though. "sense and sensibility" was a bit boring, I felt like what could have been covered in a few pages went on for many more.but it was a good one, i'm so in love with that era. Sense and Sensibility is about two sisters Elinor and M...
Miałam przyjemność już poznać jedną z powieści Jane Austen. Była to "Duma i uprzedzenie", która niezbyt przypadła mi do gustu. Dlatego też przez długi czas unikałam książki "Rozważna i romantyczna". Miałam ją już od dawna, lecz nie sięgałam po nią. Myślałam, że znów się wynudzę, że znów bohaterowie ...
*4+ Stars* I really did like this one. I did, it has some similar traits to Pride and Prejudice which I thought was pretty good. What made me not bump this one up was the fact that it dragged on in a lot of places. I felt like what could have been covered in a few pages went on for many more. ...
I'm familiar with many Jane Austen stories, but this is the first time I've successfully read one of her novels. Years ago, surely eight or nine years now, I made a very lackluster attempt to read Mansfield Park, but I gave up within a mere ten pages. My heart just wasn't in it at the time. More so ...