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Το τελευταίο θεώρημα του Φερμά - Simon Singh, Ανδρομάχη Σπανού
Το τελευταίο θεώρημα του Φερμά
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789607122971 (9607122976)
Publisher: Τραυλός
Pages no: 384
Edition language: Greek
Community Reviews
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it
4.0 Fermat's Last Theorem: The Story of a Riddle That Confounded the World's Greatest Minds for 358 Years
I bought this book after seeing the documentary that went with it.It tells how one person (Andrew Wiles) worked to prove a theorem that had stumped mathemeticians for over 3 centuries after reading about it when he was in primary school. Singh explains the ideas behind the eventual solution in a cle...
Cave Dweller
Cave Dweller rated it
"My butter, garcon, is writ large in!"a diner was heard to be chargin'."I HAD to write there,"exclaimed waiter Pierre,"I couldn't find room in the margarine."Ever since I recently stumbled upon the documentary called 'The Proof' I've become extremely interested (almost obsessed) in Wiles's proof of ...
simmo rated it
4.0 Fermat's Last Theorem: The story of a riddle that confounded the world's greatest minds for 358 years
Very Enjoyable. Even if I didn't understand the difference between an elliptical equation and modular forms!
Manny Rayner's book reviews
Manny Rayner's book reviews rated it
I guess the author does a reasonable job. But when I reached the end, I still didn't feel I understood at all how the proof worked. Probably that's just because it's so bloody hard. I got a lot more though out of Prime Obsession, Derbyshire's book on the Riemann Hypothesis, where the author opens up...
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