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Sin - Kol Anderson
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Samuel “Sin” Taylor doesn’t know the difference between sex and intimacy, but maybe that’s not his fault. He grew up in a world where it was easier to get physical pleasure than to find love. But as a prostitute working the streets, Sin thinks he’s finally found his true calling. After all sex is... show more
Samuel “Sin” Taylor doesn’t know the difference between sex and intimacy, but maybe that’s not his fault. He grew up in a world where it was easier to get physical pleasure than to find love. But as a prostitute working the streets, Sin thinks he’s finally found his true calling. After all sex is the one thing he’s good at, right? But when Isaac enters his life through mere coincidence, Sin finds it a relief to be someone other than Sin.How long can he keep up the charade?Available for preorder.
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 85
Edition language: English
Romance, M M Romance
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Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents rated it
3.0 Sin
So here's Kol, fucking with my mind again. The Kol Anderson library is like walking down a dark passageway never knowing what's waiting inside each room you pass. Kol loves to test the boundaries of readers' comfort zones. From what I've read, he only writes in either dark or taboo. This story f...
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