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Smrt i njeni hirovi - José Saramago, Tanja Štrbac
Smrt i njeni hirovi
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U ponoc 1. januara, u jednoj neimenovanoj zemlji, na misteriozan nacin smrt prestaje da posecuje njene stanovnike. Od tog trenutka niko vise ne umire i odgovor na ovu neverovatnu pojavu nisu u stanju da daju ni naucni, ni drzavni, ni crkveni autoriteti. Preko noci propadaju osiguravajuca drustva,... show more
U ponoc 1. januara, u jednoj neimenovanoj zemlji, na misteriozan nacin smrt prestaje da posecuje njene stanovnike. Od tog trenutka niko vise ne umire i odgovor na ovu neverovatnu pojavu nisu u stanju da daju ni naucni, ni drzavni, ni crkveni autoriteti. Preko noci propadaju osiguravajuca drustva, preti bankrot penzijskog sistema, a i hriscansko ucenje o vaskrsenju ozbiljno je dovedeno u pitanje... Kako obicni ljudi dozivljavaju smrt u ovim okolnostima, na sta su, uprkos prvobitnom ushicenju, spremni da bi je se ponovo domogli - pripoveda se u ovom romanu baroknog stila i raskosne imaginacije, jos jednoj Saramagovoj alegoriji koja dotice vecna pitanja covekovog postojanje i njegove sudbine.

Saramagova proza je glas koji obuhvata sve glasove, kao univerzalni unutrasnji zamor. Oni koji nisu citali Saramaga ranije bice zaprepasceni vec od prve stranice romana, cim pripovest otpocne recima: "Sledeceg dana niko nije umro."
Stiven Pul, Guardian

Na pocetku romana, kada smrt prestane da ubija, obicni ljudi su ushiceni. Shvataju da su se domogli "najveceg sna covecanstva od njegovog prapocetka". S vremenom, za trezvenije umove, kraj umiranja pretvara se u pretnju: "Ako ne pocnemo ponovo da umiremo, za nas nema buducnosti!"
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788652108411
Publisher: Laguna
Pages no: 227
Edition language: Serbian
Community Reviews
Locus Amoenus: All By My Shelf
Locus Amoenus: All By My Shelf rated it
5.0 Final Thoughts: Las intermitencias de la muerte
Al día siguiente no murió nadie. In his novels, Saramago often liked to explore the deep-reaching consequences of having a single brick removed from the foundation of society, and watching everything come down. In this case, it's death. At the start of the book, we're told that the citizens of a...
M Sarki
M Sarki rated it
2.0 Death with Interruptions
https://msarki.tumblr.com/post/156528723823/death-with-interruptions-by-jos%C3%A9-saramagoDeath With Interruptions fails in its embellished and sentimental concept of love conquering death. A silly book, at first look, ripe with satire and unflattering looks into religion and laws of the state. A p...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
4.0 Death at Intervals
bookshelves: published-1999, translation, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, nobel-laureate, portugal, paper-read, lit-richer, autumn-2015, halloween-2015, philosophy, absurdist, existentialism Read from September 28 to October 10, 2015 Description: On the first day of the new year, no one dies....
La Mala *the mean girl*
La Mala *the mean girl* rated it
5.0 Death with Interruptions
Edit Marzo 2015Todavía sigo acordandome de lo excelente que es este libro... sobre todo entre tanta cosa mala/regular que vengo leyendo XD EDIT: 4/11/2014Aprobéeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! En diciembre empiezo el desafío Saramago que me propuse: cinco libro a leer antes de marzo!FELICIDAD!!!!!! Lluvia de...
Ana V.
Ana V. rated it
4.0 Death with Interruptions
that was a damned good idea for a dystopian book that i haven't seen anywhere so far: death stops coming. what do you do?panic, for sure. thinking about what would happen in real life if this really was the case, i realized that i didn't need to. saramago writes a very weird prose, but he's extremel...
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