Portraits of Lizzie Borden, Jerry Bruckheimer, William F. Buckley, Jr., Cara Buono, Rod Chandler, Dick Cheney, Dale Chihuly, Jesus Christ, Burnhill Clark, Hillary Clinton, Linda Derschang, John Boyd Dunlop, Ken Eickenberry, Steve Elliott, tim Eyman, Henry Ford, Vincente Fox, Greg Nickels, William...
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Portraits of Lizzie Borden, Jerry Bruckheimer, William F. Buckley, Jr., Cara Buono, Rod Chandler, Dick Cheney, Dale Chihuly, Jesus Christ, Burnhill Clark, Hillary Clinton, Linda Derschang, John Boyd Dunlop, Ken Eickenberry, Steve Elliott, tim Eyman, Henry Ford, Vincente Fox, Greg Nickels, William Randolph hearst, Werner Herzog, James Inhofe, Naveen Jain, Sue Johnson, Miranda July, Kris Kristofferson, Dennis Kucinich, The Dalai Lama, Denise Lameray, Peter Lewis, Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott, Courtney Love, Fitz Hugh Ludlow, David Lynch, Michael McAfoose, Charles Manson, Michael Moore, Tina Mucklow, Patty murray, Brent Musburger, Apollo Ohno, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Colin Powell, Dan Quayle, Steve Sarich, Martin Selig, Jamen Shively, elliott Spitzer, Peter Steinbrueck, Rick Steves, Jon Stwerat, Terry Stuart, Donald Trump, Jack Valenti, Eddie Vedder, Jan Michael Vincent, John Waters, Bruce Willis, John Young and Zeth.
A good sign of someone who is bad at art is if they can’t draw hands. I can’t draw hands. That’s why we have mostly just heads here. A big collection of head shots created between 2002 and 2012. Celebrities, mostly.
And I’ll tell you another secret – when I made these
portraits I often “cheated” by using a simple five step technique which I call Lamerization.
1. Decide who you are going to draw.
2. Find a good image of them on the Internet.
3. Bring the shot in to Photoshop and lighten it until it is barely visible.
4. Then print it out and draw directly on to the page or use a light table to trace the image.
5. Add artistic flair. Lamerized!
If you would like to use these images feel free, as long as you credit me. Better yet – try the Lamerization technique yourself and get funky with it!
Rex Lameray
Provincetown, Massachusetts
February 25, 2015
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